"The Pride of Kitsap County"
Welcome to Troop 1506, in our opinion, one of the finest troops in Chief Seattle Council. You are embarking on a real adventure. Scouting in Washington State is an experience that is full of opportunities and interesting happenings. You are limited only by your own willingness to participate and to advance in Scouting.
We are Chartered by Peace Lutheran Church and we were founded November 26, 1935. Our Scout Hall is located at 5164 Bunker St NE, Tracyton. Our weekly meeting is at 7:00 pm each Monday (except holidays) and our doors are always open to those interested in seeing how we allow our Scout led troop operate. Our Scouts are leaders. Leaders in the troop and the community.
We are a family unit, welcoming both young men and women into scouting. Prospective Scouts and Parents can reach our Troop at (302) 601-1506 or beascout@troop1506.org.
The Scout Law and Oath are not words on a piece of paper, but words to live by. It is the guide for how we operate daily as Scouts and Scout Leaders.
Check us out, our door is open, come on in and join the fun!

Troop Members Pledge
As a member of Troop 1506, I pledge that:
I shall always strive to be a good member of my patrol.
To take part in all troop activities.
To advance myself and fellow scouts in Scoutcraft.
To act as a Scout at all times.