Printing Blue Cards and Award Cards with Troop Awards

TroopAwards™ is a company that develops specialized printing software for scout troops.

Their software is available at  TroopAwards is not affiliated with TroopWebHost, but we have worked with TroopAwards to provide a solution for printing blue cards and award cards from your TroopWebHost data.

Begin the process by going to Advancement → Recognize Recent Achievements → Export Troop Awards Advancement Files.  This will display a screen like the one shown below.

Blue Cards

You can download a file that is compatible with the TroopAwards blue cards print function.  Simply enter a date into the box and press the Download Blue Cards button.  The file will contain all merit badges that have not yet been earned that were started on or after the date you specified.

Be sure to remember where you saved your file, since you will need to find it when you import it into TroopAwards.

Award Cards

You can download a file that is compatible with the TroopAwards award cards print function.  Simply press the Download Awards File button. 

The file will contain all rank advancement and merit badges that have been earned but not yet awarded.