Before you jump into building your new website, take some time to get organized.
In broad terms this means:
- Establish your goals
- Assign tasks to other leaders
- Pull together the needed information
At your next troop committee meeting, discuss how you plan to use your website.
- What should your Home Page say about your troop to the general public?
- Will you post photos and/or videos of troop events on your website?
- Can you export data from an existing system to populate your TroopWebHost site?
- Will you allow scouts to request sign off on requirements through the website and mobile app?
- Will you allow adults to request expense reimbursements through the website?
- Do you want to accept credit card payments through the website and, if so, who will pay the credit card fees?
- If you have both a girls troop and a boys troop, will they share one site or have separate sites?
- How soon do you want to have the site ready for your scouts and parents to use?
Consider creating a "technology committee" to help manage the implementation. Invite your most tech savvy members - adults and scouts - to join.

Once you agree on your goals, it's time to assign responsibilities. Who is going to...
. . . Edit the Home Page and About Our Troop page?
. . . Enter upcoming events into the troop calendar?
. . . Upload photos and videos from recent events?
. . . Load the troop roster and keep it up to date?
. . . Record requirements earned toward merit badges and rank advancement?
. . . Maintain troop accounts and enter monetary transactions?
. . . Manage fundraisers and sales of troop merchandise to members?
. . . Track troop inventory and library materials?
. . . Set up users and assign permissions?
Now you're ready to prepare a checklist of tasks to bring your website up to speed.