Your unit may find it useful to include national holidays on your calendar.
If nothing else, it can help you avoid potential conflicts when you're scheduling an event.
TroopWebHost maintains a list of standard holidays that can be imported into your calendar. These include the federally recognized holidays,
along with Mothers Day and Fathers Day.  (You don't want to forget about Mothers Day!)
You can view this list of holidays by selecting National Holidays from the Calendar menu.
This will display a list like this:

The "Already In Calendar" column indicates whether this holiday is already present in your calendar. This will only be set to
"YES" if the event has exactly the same name and date.
Press the Copy Holidays For One Year button to open the following page.

This page allows you to copy the holidays for a selected year into your calendar. It will only copy those holidays that are not
already in your calendar with the same exact name and date.
Before running this function, you must first have an appropriate Event Type
that can be assigned to these holidays when they are added to your calendar.
Please go to Site Configuration → Event Types to add a "Holiday" event type, unless you have already done so.
Under "Where These Events Will Be Seen", consider whether you want to include this event type in the iCalendar Subscription or Newsletter.
We recommend that you disable all of the options under the rest of the sections.
Once you have a "Holiday" event type, you can return to the page shown above and select that event type from the drop down list.
Then press the Continue button to copy that year's holidays into your calendar.
Once this is complete, the system will display the Maintain Events page.