Once you've uploaded your scouts from ScoutBook™, you can proceed to upload the "Camping, Hiking and Service Logs" file from ScoutBook.
This will add each scout's participation history to the Credit For Other Activity for that scout in your TroopWebHost database.
Begin by exporting the "Legacy Camping, Hiking, Long Cruise and ..." file from ScoutBook, as shown below.

Then log on to TroopWebHost, and from the Main Menu go to Advancement → Upload Advancement → Upload ScoutBook Participation History.
You should see the screen shown here:

Click the Browse button to find the log file that you exported from ScoutBook™.
Click the Upload ScoutBook Participation History button to begin loading this data into TroopWebHost.
This process may take several minutes, so please be patient and do not click the button a second time.
The file does not include any distinction between community service hours and conservation service hours, so all hours will be logged as community service in TroopWebHost.
Similarly, the file does not include any distinction between tent camping nights and cabin camping nights, so these will all be recorded as regular camping nights in TroopWebHost, not cabin camping.
There is also no distinction between hiking miles and backpacking miles, so all miles will be recorded as hiking miles.
Any necessary corrections should be made in TroopWebHost after the upload is complete.