Upload Equipment & Library From TroopTrack

TroopTrack allows you to export Equipment and Library files from the Request a Spreadsheet Import page.  These files can be used to populate the TroopWebHost Inventory table, but both will require some manipulation.

TroopWebHost Inventory requires each entry to have a unique identifier, a "key value" that distinguishes that item from other items, which may be similar.  So, for example, if you have three copies of the Cooking merit badge pamphlet, the unique identifiers could be "Cooking01", "Cooking02", and "Cooking03".

The TroopTrack files do not contain a unique identifier.  Before you can upload this data, you will need to create a unique identifier column and populate it with a unique value on each row.  This can be best done in a spreadsheet program like Excel.

You will use our Inventory Upload program to upload the file.  This requires a specific set of column headings, which appear in the first row of the file.  Those values must be as follows:

InventoryType, ItemID, Description, Condition, Category, Location, LocationDetail, SerialNumber, PurchaseDate, PublicationDate, AcquiredCost, EstimatedLifeInMonths, ReplacementCost

InventoryType must be either "Equipment" or "Library".  This determines whether this item will be added to Troop Equipment or Library Materials.

ItemID is the unique identifier for this inventory item.  It is the "key" that you need to create for each item coming from TroopTrack.

Description is a brief, concise description of this inventory item.  For the TroopTrack equipment file, this could come from the "Name" column, or you might combine the contents of the "Name" and "Description" columns.

Condition is the current condition of this item.  Both TroopTrack files have a "Condition" column that could be used here.

Category must be one of the categories that you have defined in the Inventory Category table.  It must match the Inventory Type for this item.  I.e., if you are adding a "Library" item, the category must be one that is defined for "Library".  You may leave this column empty, unless you wish to set up the Inventory Category table first.

Location must be one of the locations that you have defined in the Inventory Location table.  It must match the Inventory Type for this item.  I.e., if you are adding an "Equipment" item, the location must be one that is defined for "Equipment".    This should be left empty unless you decide to set up these inventory locations first.

LocationDetail is the specific location on which this item is stored, which could be a shelf number, bin number, etc.  The TroopTrack Equipment file has a Location column which may be used for this purpose.  For the TroopTrack Library file, this can be left empty.

SerialNumber is the serial number on this item.  This may be left empty.

PurchaseDate is the date on which this item was purchased.   The TroopTrack Equipment file has a corresponding column which may be used.  It can be left empty for the TroopTrack Library upload.

PublicationDate is the date when this library item was published.  This column should be left empty.

AcquiredCost is the price paid when this item was purchased.  The TroopTrack Equipment file has a Cost column which may be used.  It can be left empty for the TroopTrack Library upload.

EstimatedLifeInMonths is the estimated life expectancy of this items from date of purchase, in months.  This can be left empty.

ReplacementCost is the estimated cost to replace this item.  This can be left emtpy.

Once you've created the spreadsheet in the correct format, it must be saved as a CSV file.   If you are using Excel, it will try to persuade you not to leave it in this format;  please ignore those warnings.

Then go to Inventory → Maintain Inventory and press the Upload Inventory button, as shown here.   This will allow you to upload the CSV file that you just created.

If you have any problems with the upload, please create a Support Ticket and attach the file to this ticket.