Once you've implemented the TroopWebHost electronic permission feature
- or if your unit still requires handwritten permission slips to be submitted for each event -
you may want to have the system send a reminder to the parents if a scout signs up for an event without asking them to give permission.
You can configure the system to send e-mail reminders to a scout's parents the day after they sign up for an event if they have not yet given permission for this event. 
This is done by updating the appropriate Event Types to enable the "Send Parents Reminder To Give Permission" option.
The e-mail reminder is sent the day after the scout signed up for the event. The reminder is sent to every adult linked to that scout, except for those with a relationship
of "Advisor". It is only sent once, unless an event leader presses the Send Permission Reminders button on an event to force new reminders to go out for an event.
Here is an example of a permission reminder email:

Please note that, when you implement this feature, email reminders will go out for all future events for which scouts need permission. Only one email will
go to each parental email address, with a summary of all the permissions needed, as shown in the above example.