Renew Subscription To TroopWebHost

The Renew Subscription page allows you to renew your subscription to TroopWebHost. It is only accessible to users with Site Administrator or Treasurer privileges. You can access it through Administration → Renew Subscription To TroopWebHost.

At the top of the page you will see how much storage you are currently using for photos and documents.  TroopWebHost provides the first 10 gigabytes at no additional charge.  If you are using more than 10 gigabytes at the time that you renew, you will be charged $1 per additional gigabyte;  this covers your storage for the entire next year, even if you use additional storage during that year.  You only pay for what you are using at the time of renewal.

There are two ways to renew your subscription:

The easiest way to pay is by entering your credit card or debit card information on this page.  Click the Submit button to complete the process.

Clicking the PayPal Buy Now button will direct your browser to the PayPal website. You can then log in to your PayPal account to complete the payment.

TroopWebHost no longer accepts payment by check.

You can renew your subscription up to six months before it expires. Any time you renew it, a full year will be added to your subscription.