Advancement leaders can process requests that scouts have submitted for sign-off on merit badge requirements by going to
Advancement → Maintain Advancement → Approve Requests To Sign Off On Merit Badge Requirements.
This will display all pending requests, including those for scouts who are working with a merit badge counselor on a badge.
(Note that merit badge counselors can view a list of their scouts' requests from a similar page on the My Stuff menu.)

If you wish to mark the requirement complete, click the checkbox in the Approve column. Any comment you enter in the Reviewer Notes will be written to
the notes for this completed requirement, along with the scout's comment that was entered in Scout Notes.
If you do not agree that this requirement has been completed, check the checkbox in the Deny column, and indicate your reason in the Reviewer Notes column.
The scout will be able to view this comment.
Click Save to update the database with your decisions. Any request that you marked as approved or denied will disappear from the list.
If you would prefer to see the list sorted by merit badge and requirement, click the Sort By Badge button.