Attendance at campouts, hikes and community service events should be recorded since it is required for rank advancement. You can take attendance
for events by going to Calendar → Take Attendance → Take Attendance.
You must record a scout's attendance at an event for it to show up on their Rank Summary page.
You can choose an event to take attendance for from a list similar to the one below.

This page will only show events with a start date in the past. Click the Take Attendance button for the event you wish to update.
When an Event Type is set up to record community service hours, hiking miles, cycling miles or paddling miles, you will be able to enter the number possible at this
event at the top of the page. Note that you cannot enter a number of camping nights; instead, the system will calculate the number automatically based on the starting and ending dates.

Click the Yes button next to each member who attended the event. If members signed up for an event in advance, this button may already be selected; if they did not show up, you should click the No button.
Different events will allow you to enter different information based on their Event Type.
For example, in the image above, the event is a Campout; in the image below, it is a Fund Raiser.
The settings for each Event Type can be configured on the Event Types page.
When an Event Type is set up to record camping nights, community service hours, hiking miles,
cycling miles or paddling miles, you will see Override fields for each scout.
Normally, the nights, hours, and miles for an event are given to all scouts who attend; however,
there may be some cases in which you may want to assign a different amount to one or more scouts.
To do this, just enter the number of nights, miles or hours you want a scout to have earned in the respective override box for their row.
You might want to use this if, for example, some of your scouts join a weekend campout on the second night, or if a group at summer camp engages in an optional hike.
Using the override fields will affect number of nights, miles or hours shown on the scout's Rank Summary page.
Put a checkmark in the Attendance Finalized? box to log the fact that the participation history is now accurate for this event.
Enter your name in Attendance Taken By so others will know who completed this task.